Online poker has become an increasingly popular game, both for leisure and for real money. Most online sites offer cash games, allowing players to play whenever they want without having to commit to an eight-hour session. These games also require a small fee, called rake, which is collected by the poker site. Most sites collect between three and 4.25% of the pot.
Online poker is currently legal in four states, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. West Virginia and Michigan are expected to make online gambling legal in early 2021. However, because the laws surrounding online gambling are complicated, many online poker sites have left the US to avoid legal measures. As a result, the number of available poker sites is limited. In addition, online poker sites in the US have been regulated and monitored by state governments. However, players can still find online poker sites and play against other players in their state.
California is the largest poker market in the U.S. and the state’s card rooms generate over $1 billion in annual revenue, not including tribal casinos. In addition, New Jersey is one of the largest online poker markets. Recently, it surpassed $4 million in monthly revenue. Pennsylvania and Michigan are also expected to be big markets once online poker is fully operational.
However, due to the legal restrictions surrounding online poker in the USA, many avid poker players have turned to foreign platforms. These foreign sites are not controlled by the USA and therefore residents from these states are not penalized for making deposits. Moreover, these platforms are still available to US residents if they live in legal states. Additionally, the legality of online poker has given rise to licensing issues. As a result, only three states have legal rights to host or provide online poker sites.
Using cryptocurrency as a payment method for online poker is a preferred choice for players in the US. Many online poker rooms offer cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. The biggest advantage of using cryptocurrency is that you don’t have to deal with a central financial institution. Furthermore, transactions are instant and free. So, it’s a great choice for US players who don’t want to spend extra money.
To start playing online poker, you will first need to download the poker software. Typically, this takes only a few minutes. Most sites have virus-free software, so it’s safe to download them. Once you’re finished with the download, you can create an account with your favorite online poker site. When you’re ready, you can then start playing for real money.
The Connecticut gaming bill doesn’t mention shared liquidity options, but legislators there are open to the idea. Connecticut’s population is just 3.5 million, so it is unlikely to be a big opportunity for online poker operators. But if the new law is passed, it may open the door for other states to enter into a shared liquidity agreement.